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Circuit breaker, S00, motor protection, Class 10, A-release 1.8-2.5 A, short-circuit release 33 A

Circuit breaker size S00 for motor protection, CLASS 10 A-release 1.8...2.5 A N-release 33 A screw terminal Standard switching capacity Circuit breaker SIRIUS 3RV2 For motor protection for the reliable shutdown in the event of a short-circuit and for protecting the loads and system against overload, and for safe isolation of the system from the network. Thanks to their low heat loss, these compact and climate-proof circuit breakers are optimized for use in load feeders, as well as for IE3/IE4 motors, of course. Worldwide approvals (e.g. IEC and UL/CSA) and applications in hazardous areas (ATEX or IEC Ex) are a matter of course. Device versions are available for motor protection (also with overload relay function), plant protection, short-circuit protection of starter combinations, transformer protection, as main and EMERGENCY OFF switches and for use in IT networks. They are available with screw or spring-type terminals for fast, maintenance-free and vibration-proof connection, and optionally with integral auxiliary switch. The comprehensive range of accessories, such as auxiliary switches, auxiliary releases, signaling switches etc. is standardized for all sizes. The use of different energy infeed options, such as the associated SIRIUS 3RV29 infeed system, considerably reduces the main circuit wiring. The 3RV2 circuit breakers replace the well-proven 3RV1 series. Simple, efficient and always up to date - SIRIUS modular system.
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